Thursday, January 6, 2011

Next IOTA DXpedition to be OC-138

My next IOTA DXpedition will be to Horn Island OC-138 on April 22 – 27. This trip will be followed by a quick visit again to Magnetic Island OC-171 on April 29 – May 2. The IOTA antenna has been upgraded so the old Butternut HF9V will now be the back up. The main antenna will be a newly acquired Spiderbeam 20m-15m-10m tribander to be put on a 10m aluminium pole with tripod which all arrived yesterday. I'll be using the new Spiderbeam set up when I operate AX4LDX in late January

1 comment:

  1. Craig, Thanks for two IOTA's and good luck on OC-138. I hope to catch you there too :)
    Jacek SP5APW
